Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kanji Vectors That Need Fixing

The following kanji have issues with unwanted or awkward intersections:

聞 : hear
原 : plain ; field ; origin
弟 : younger brother

They can still be drawn but the second stroke of the 'ear' radical and the second stroke of 'field' have to be started right on the line before; you'll almost certainly pick up an error dot or two. The last stroke of younger brother starts on the line.

These will be fixed in the next version.

Please report any other oddities in the vector data.

PS.原 : plain ; field ; origin  and 弟 : younger brother are actually okay - they were affected by a rounding error, rather than a faulty vector set. The problem with 聞 is that the second last stroke must cross the vertical, not just start near it. This will be fixed in the new vector data set.


  1. Also...
    野 : moor ; wild ; field

    The horizontal middle bar of the rice paddy element must start and end right on the srrounding lines. It's almost impossible to get this without picking up an error dot. Will be fixed next edition.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 話 : talk ; tale
    With the original dataset, the start of the last stroke must overlap an earlier stroke. This is being fixed in the updated version.

  4. A user kindly informed me of two more kanji vectors that need fixing:

    453 - 褐 brown - the third/middle stroke of sun - the program wants to stroke to be drawn on top of the right side of the second stroke (this usually is not the case with the sun kanji/primitive and results in a warning/red mark).

    522 - 独 single - again the third/middle stroke - again the program wants the stroke to begin on top/a little over the second stroke, which is usually rewarded with an error/mistake

    These should be sorted out in version 2.75. In the meantime, start the middle stroke of the sun radical in brown to the right of the upright, and cross the other upright to finish slightly outside the rectangle. Currently, the third stroke of the dog-left radical should cross the second stroke, though this looks like an error in the vector data.

    Thanks for pointing these out.

  5. 夫 husband
    The last stroke currently overlaps the horizontal at its origin, but looks like it should start just below or touching the horizontal. i.e There is an unwanted intersection. Will be fixed in 2.75.
